Maak hierdie Bybelweergawe jou keuse Kleurmerk of Boekmerk jou gunsteling verse, maak Versbeelde wat jy kan deel, en maak notas by Bybelgedeeltes, wat jy as aanhegsel kan gebruik vir privaat of openbare gebruik. Kies uit meer as 1, Bybelweergawes in meer as tale vir jou rekenaar, foon of tablet -- met baie van hulle as klankweergawes beskikbaar. Elke R55 wat ons ontvang help die Bybelgenootskap om een meer Bybel beskikbaar te stel. Over the years the Bible Society's involvement regarding translation projects into the indigenous languages of our country has changed considerably. Nowadays, teams of translators are appointed in the service of the Bible Society.
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This study has indicated the presence of a missionary vision in the activities of the Bible Society of South Africa as well as their donors. It is, however, remarkable that a missiological study has never been done on the activities of the Bible Society of South Africa.
Product details Hardcover Publisher: Bybelgwnootskap die Gratis Bybel Toep af. Tuiste Raak betrokke Bybel-per-Maand Klub. Considering the fact that the Bibles Society is the only organization in South Africa which officially translates, produces and distributes the Bible in all our indigenous languages, one must question bybelbenootskap relevance of this organization's activities towards the development of missionary actions in South Africa and Southern Africa.
Afrikaans South Africa Meer.
This study clearly indicates that the Bible Society of South Africa is an integral part of the missionary playing-field in South Africa, also with regard to the future. Get to Know Us. Ontvang 'n gratis Bybel vir jou foon, tablet en rekenaar. Amazon Inspire Digital Educational Resources. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon. Hierdie stigtingsvergadering vind plaas onder voorsitterskap van die luitenant-goewemeur aan die Kaap, sir Rufane Donkin, op 23 Augustus Jy kan help om dit moontlik te maak en deur die Woord van God bybelgenootskpa te verander.
In the publication, God made it grow, appears, bybelgrnootskap the history of the Bible Society of South Africa from to As 'n vennoot van die Bybel-per-Maand Klub sal jy die volgende ontvang: Write a customer review.
Amazon Rapids Fun stories for kids on the go. The Bible Society of South Africa maintains a unique relationship with bybfl Church, missionary organizations and with the broader Christian community and a wide spectrum of co-operation exists.
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Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web. Samewerking geskied op 'n wye spektrum van terreine. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Dit is eers indat die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika 'n selfstandige Bybelgenootskap word en sy plek kan inneem by die Wereldbond van Bybelgenootskappe as 'n finansieel bydraende Genootskap tot die Werelddiensprogram.
As gevolg van die feit dat die Bybelgenootskap die enigste organisasie in Suid-Afrika is wat bybeel Bybel amptelik vertaal, produseer en versprei in al die inheemse tale van ons land, moet daar gevra word na die relevansie van hierdie organisasie se werksaarnhede vir die sendingontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika asook Suider-Afrika.
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Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika - Bybel-per-Maand Klub
Kies uit meer as 1, Bybelweergawes in meer as tale vir jou rekenaar, foon of tablet -- met bbelgenootskap van hulle as klankweergawes beskikbaar. Die Bybel Toep is heeltemal gratis, met geen advertensie of aankoop opsies nie. If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support?
Sell on Amazon Start a Selling Account. Bybelplanne help jou om elke dag in God se Woord te delf, 'n kort stukkie op 'n keer.
Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. Accordingly, churches, missionary organizations and the broader Christian community are dependant on the Bible Society for Bibles and other related material in the indigenous languages of our country.
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BIML stocks Bibles in more than languages. Share your thoughts with other customers. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Amazon Renewed Like-new products you can trust.
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